Dan Bilzerian Says Being With Someone Who Actually Loves You Is Better Than Being With Many Who Don't

Dan Blizeran is ready to settle down. The only problem is he has no one to settle down with.

By Carly Tennes

Published 1 year ago in Funny

Dan Blizeran is ready to settle down. The only problem is he has no one to settle down with. 

Though Kanye West may have famously said, “One girl is worth 1,000 b—ches” back in 2013, it took roughly 11 years for certified playboy Dan Blizeran to get with the program.

The wannabe playboy dropped by the Mighty Pursuit podcast earlier this month, where he got candid about his apparent lack of human emotions, excitedly sharing how sleeping with “thousands” of women taught him an important lesson: Maybe you should actually like the people you’re hooking up with.

“I was having sex with three girls a day, at least, at a minimum,” he began the now-viral clip, noting that while sometimes his numbers would allegedly hit five to seven, sometimes a “real off day” would leave him having just two hookups.

‘What I kinda landed on was that I think it’s better to have a monogamous relationship, as strange as that is coming from me,” he explained before comparing and contrasting monogamy versus polyamory.

“You’ve got two choices, you could just like do whatever you want and be free and allow the women to be free and just use condoms with all the girls and not care about if they hook up with other guys it’s like, purely sexual and whatever,” he added. “Or you could find a girl that you enjoy spending time with and that you actually trust each other.”

Citing the “internal damage” that sleeping with another woman would cause his partner, Blizeran argued that keeping it one-on-one is a pretty good decision, leading to “better sex” and “less distractions.”

As the video made the rounds on Twitter several viewers had questions for Blizeran  — namely, how the f—k did it take him this long to discover the concept of emotions?

“Local r—d discovers falling in love,” wrote @bighealthyfr

“Too late. He’s already ran through. Plus he hit the wall,”  joked @Camelliaalexa while @hollowearthterf decided to give Blizeran a taste of one of the double standards women face.

“Used up fat wh*re with Botox face, “ they wrote. “Every woman’s dream.”

So if you're in a happy relationship with someone you love, you're doing better than this dope. 

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